Rite Aid

Pharmacy Technician

March 2016 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

The practical application to my intended career

What I wish was different

The training was minimal, thus adjusting to the fast paced workflow was difficult at times.


Start with positive expectations and an optimistic outlook, and the experience will benefit you in many ways.
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June - September 2022 • Redding, CA

What I liked

I like helping nice customers and feeling useful

What I wish was different

I wish the air conditioning didn't break


Ask for help if you need it
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February 2019 • Chico, CA

What I liked

Chill job

What I wish was different

That they cared more about us


Cool job, but we get a lot of homelessness problems
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Certified Pharmacy Technician

February 2018 • Akron, NY

What I liked

I love everything about my job. When I started at Rite Aid I figured I would just be like most other employees who stock shelves or help customers find what they need. However, on my first day the manager told me that I was going to be hired to work in the pharmacy! At first I was a little nervous because this requires completing a 6 month certification course which is fairly complicated, especially for someone who had no previous background about anything healthcare related. Now that I've been working their for almost three years, I have come to love it. The experience that I've obtained from this job is unmatched and the people that I work with are fantastic. It is nice to be able to learn from and work with people who are very educated in this particular field. Getting to help our customers with their prescriptions is very comforting to me!

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish I would have done different is I wish I would've found this job sooner. I was working as a pizza maker in a kitchen before this which I was not a big fan of.


I would say if I had to share one thing it would be to go into any opportunity with a blank slate. What I mean by this is you may expect to be doing one thing, but it may completely flip in another direction. For example, I thought I would just be stocking shelves, but ended up in the pharmacy. These are two very different things.
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June - August 2020 • East Orange, NJ

What I liked

It was something I've never done before and it was a great experience.

What I wish was different



To always have an open mind and a willingness to learn and be a part of the team.
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February 2018 • Clinton, MA

What I liked

Management is very willing to work with their workers to provide a safe environment especially during Covid-19.

What I wish was different


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June - August 2020 • Freedom, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Fully understand the time commitment the boss is requiring weekly before taking a job. Especially if you are a student and will need to adjust your schedule during school. My boss assumed I would continue working nearly fulltime when school began again and refused to cut my hours. Make sure you communicate that well in your hiring meeting because some people may not understand what it means to be a university student.
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May - August 2020 • Syracuse, NY

What I liked

Co-workers are nice

What I wish was different


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Certified Pharmacy Technician

May - June 2019 • Mechanicsburg, PA

What I liked

A lot of hours provided.

What I wish was different

Better management and better training


Know the physical and mental demands.
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Certified Pharmacy Technician

January 2015 • Carlsbad, CA

What I liked

I get to work my patients and build a connection.

What I wish was different

That not every one will be nice but don’t let that ruin your day.


Stay positive and keep moving on.
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Pharmacy Technician

May - August 2019 • Liverpool, NY

What I liked

I loved seeing another side of the healthcare industry that I had not previously been exposed. I learned a lot about working in a pharmacy as well as the challenges that many patients have with affording their medications.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to get more hands on experience right from the beginning, but there is obviously a lot of training involved that delayed the process.


One piece of advice I have is to not be afraid to ask questions to the senior pharm techs and the pharmacists, they are always willing to help out the new employees.
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Certified Pharmacy Technician

January 2019 • Newtown, PA

What I liked

Great team and real world experience

What I wish was different

Better hours


Always be assertive
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January 2018 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA

What I liked

I liked working with other people and having constant contact with other people.

What I wish was different

We’re understaffed and overwhelmed.


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May 2015 • Hollidaysburg, PA

What I liked

Friendly staff

What I wish was different

Higher pay


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Rite Aid Associate

June - December 2019 • Akron, NY

What I liked

I liked that the hours were flexible and the other staff members were very open and welcoming

What I wish was different

I wish the schedule would have been more flexible


Just keep working on learning the cash out system it takes a while to understand
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Pharmacy Technician

July 2019 • Sylvania, OH

What I liked

The pharmacy manager was very friendly and helpful in getting the hiring process started. She was very organized and answered back in a timely manner. Training started off easy and everyone else who works there are friendly and fun to work with. Overall positive environment and I’m thankful for the opportunity.

What I wish was different

Nothing, everything was nicely paced.


You don’t have to be licensed before getting the job! I wasn’t, and they hired me. Don’t be too nervous or shy, ask as many questions as you need. Everyone is helpful and outgoing :)
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Pharmacy Technician

September 2016 • Pittston, PA

What I liked

I love everything about my job. Learning so much about Pharmaceuticals and overall patient care has been so rewarding. I love working with all of my co-workers and having a connection with all of my patients and being able to help so many people. The learning potential is endless here!

What I wish was different

There are not too many things I’d change about my job. I love each and every aspect. If I had to change one thing I would say maybe to have a less stressful work environment on the really busy days! There are many days when we are so busy and have so much on our plates, that the pharmacists and technicians get really upset and stressed. It would be nice if there was some way to fix this. All of my coworkers work so hard, I think they deserve some type of stress reliever for those busy days when they are giving their all.


It’s a hard job at first, but don’t give up! On some days it’s very challenging, and you may feel stressed. However, it’s a great opportunity to work here and the learning opportunities are worth so much. Just keep your head up, do your absolute best every day, and you will be rewarded!
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Certified Pharmacy Technician

December 2015 • Salem, OR

What I liked

The routine and the people, both employees and patients.

What I wish was different

That we had been better staffed.


It is a high stress, fast paced environment. The ability to adapt and to move and think quickly while maintaining excellent customer service is imperative. To be successful it is also important to not take the stressful situations personal.
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Pharmacy Technician

October 2018 • Corvallis, OR

What I liked

What I enjoy most about Rite Aid is the people I work with and helping our patients receive the best care they can. We see people at their worst on some days and being kind can change someone's whole day.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish was different is our hours and having more staff.


The biggest piece of advice I would share from this experience is working hard and learning a good work ethic.
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Certified Pharmacy Technician

June 2019 • Stafford, CT

What I liked

I love getting more information on medications. I learn something new everyday.

What I wish was different



I would highly recommend working at a pharmacy if you plan on going into the medical field
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