New Jersey Courts

Pretrial Services Intern

May - August 2023 • Hackensack, NJ

What I liked

I love all of the different experiences that this opportunity provided me with. I was introduced to the criminal justice system as well as the legal profession which has allowed me to connect experiences to things we learn in class, and think about what I want to do in the future. The people I worked with were amazing and taught me so much. I also loved the amount I was allowed to do. I worked with the court, jail, defendants, judge, lawyers, FBI data base, etc.

What I wish was different

Higher respect for interns, as we completed many important tasks that needed to get done.


I would advise you to be confident, and unafraid to ask questions or make mistakes. Asking questions is one of the best ways to learn, especially when you ask qualified professionals in this field. I would also say to take advantage of all opportunities provided! You never know which ones may help change your life!
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