DaVita, Inc.

Summer Analyst

June - August 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Company is awesome, if the team you're on is invested on your development you'll have a great summer! Most Redwoods interns feel this way, but make sure the teams you rank require skills that are your strengths. You don't want your project to work against you.

What I wish was different

I wish I had explored more of the Denver metro area. I stayed in the LoDo district when there are so many things to do in RiNo, Five Points, South Broadway, etc. Make sure to explore!


Even if you're not that into hiking/mountains (I wasn't) there's still plenty to do in the area!
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Financial Reporting Intern

June - August 2019 • Federal Way, WA

What I liked

The company culture at DaVita is incredible! Even as an intern I felt an instant connection to the team I was working with. My supervisor's mantra was "stay curious." She wanted me to learn as much as possible in the few months I was there. I attended executive meetings with her, shadowed professionals, and helped with the quarter-end process. I was able to gain a better understanding of the behind the scenes in the financial reporting process from multiple perspectives. I was also able to use my Excel and VBA skills to assist in making the process more organized and efficient. It was cool to see how even for a Fortune 300 company, there's always room for improvement!

What I wish was different

I wasn't authorized to do much as an intern so there was definitely a lot of down time. There were many processes I wanted to better understand but because I was only there a few short months, it wasn't worth training me on something I wouldn't be able to actually do. I also got really tired of ticking and tying the financial statements; however, even that gave me an opportunity to become really familiar with where to find specific, certain information within the statements.


Don't be afraid to ASK for opportunities! I was the only intern at executive meetings simply because I asked if I could attend and observe. They were super open to it but wouldn't have thought of it unless I said something. I also really like VBA and asked if anyone had tasks they wanted automated more efficiently. Sure enough, I got a positive response to that too!
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Patient Account Lead

January 2016 • Tacoma, WA

What I liked

My team and the culture

What I wish was different



Come for the culture and benefits, not the pay
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Really sophisticated internship program. Great development program with a lot of exposure to senior leadership and upfront analyst training in excel, ppt, etc. You get a "buddy", "mentor", "manager", and "project VP" which gives you a great network of support.

What I wish was different



Utilize your network and get to know people across the organization.
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Strategy Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Working on a high-impact project and getting a lot of exposure to the business and top executives.

What I wish was different

Focusing my time for effectively at the beginning.


Make the most of networking opportunities!
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Redwoods Summer Intern

June - August 2019 • Denver, CO

What I liked

I loved the high-level impact that I was entrusted with even as an intern.

What I wish was different

The time is split between a lot of different responsibilities as an intern, and I wish I had been able to manage my time better.


Take the opportunity to get to know senior leaders and ask for their career advice!
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2017 • Denver, CO

What I liked

I loved the team I worked on. The whole team was super tight-nit and wanted to see each other succeed. The two senior VPs had come from management consulting roles and thereby, mandated that the team work according to the guidelines used in consulting, giving you the skills you would gain in consulting, but with 40 hour weeks instead of 60. Further, the intern class of 19 students was INCREDIBLE. I made some of the best friends I've had in my entire life and every day after work was a new adventure. Our class also hung out with the 23 person MBA class, which was super cool because you could talk to them about their previous jobs and learn a lot from their life experience out of school while having fun on a volleyball court or at a bar with them. Finally, Denver seems like a random city to work in, but it is one of the most incredible cities in the US. You are in the city all week and at night, but on the weekends you get to explore the amazing mountains and wilderness surrounding the city and all around Colorado.

What I wish was different

The only thing that was a little bit of a bummer was that we were living in dorms in which a lot of high school students were staying, and at the end of the summer, it flooded and the ceiling literally fell down on one of the floors. However, it was nice living with everyone because it made hanging out after work and on the weekends really easy and convenient. Further, I had to stay 2 weeks after everyone left because of the quarter system, which was unfortunate on it's own, but I also had to find my own housing to stay in (which you would have had to do for pretty much any other internship anyway). I do wish they had helped me out with that a little bit more, but it would have been good to start looking earlier as well.


If you can, try to get on the Scouts, Catalyst, 49ers, or Pioneer teams (more or less in that order, depending on what you're looking for). Those are the ones in which you will gain the most experience and have the best reputation if you want to move around the company.
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Legal Intern

June - September 2017 • Denver, CO

What I liked

I was able to work with a few different legal teams, such as litigation, real estate, regulation, special counsel. Because I worked with so many different groups I was able to see a lot of different aspects of the legal profession that are not reflected in my research about law school.

What I wish was different

I wish I had taken a little more time for myself between the end of my internship and the start of school.


Even if you feel like you are doing mundane and useless busy work, you are probably still doing things that help the higher ups, because they have to build their work off of all these smaller pieces, some of which may have been prepared by an intern. Whether that means printing stuff for an attorney, or creating a spreadsheet for a paralegal.
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Summer Analyst

June - August 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Very smart and driven people at the company. Project was really interesting and learned a lot. Great networking opportunities within the company. Having a cohort of interns from different schools was a lot of fun.

What I wish was different


Make the most of your experience in terms of professional development.
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Redwoods Summer Intern

June - August 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

MY time in Denver was great. DaVita offers a large cohort experience and tons of guidance along the way. I was always able to find someone to talk to about my project or personal thing I wanted to address. I would highly recommend this opportunity and am seriously considering accepting my return offer.

What I wish was different


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Business Analyst

May - August 2017 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Incredible mentorship and learning experience

What I wish was different

I wish I learned more hard skills


Be vocal about your wishes because they are incredibly receptive to feedback
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